Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My Journey As A Creative Designer - Woodworking and Beyond #1730: #1730 A Box Filled With "Possibilities"

What is better than a beautifully crafted, furniture quality box?

Why a beautifully crafted, furniture quality box filled with supplies, of course! 

Yesterday, I showed you the lovely box that I snagged on the Derwent site last weekend. For the price (about $140 CDN or $115 USD SHIPPED from England) I was thrilled with the quality and workmanship that Derwent used to build it. But let’s face it – the reason that I ordered it in the first place was to use it for storing my odds and ends of my pencil supplies. Not only did I own a set of 120 Prismacolors that came in a cheap, flimsy box that left them falling all over the place, but over time I have accumulated several smaller sets and accessories associated with pencil work and they were stored in small containers and drawers all over the place. The last thing we want to do when we feel ‘inspired’ is to hunt down supplies that we knew we had. I thought it would be great to have them all in one place where they were easily accessible. I knew that if I could do that, it would make my art sessions far more pleasant and productive. Little did I know how beautiful the box would be! But it was time to put it to work! I spent more time than I care to admit admiring all the lovely supplies I have and filling that puppy up. So here are some photos of what I put in it. (I think it is even more attractive now!) :D

The first order of business was to add the 120 Prismacolor pencils. While I have the full set of Faber-Castell Polychromo pencils in their own wooden box, (Yes! I am a “supply hog”!)  I still want to use the Prismacolors and by having them close at hand, I have a better chance of doing that. I put them in semi-chromatic order since I mostly use them from sight and do not follow any patterns. I think that works best for me! They look so pretty all lined up like that, don’t they?? 

One of the best things about this box is that the middle two layers, which have dividers to hold pencils, also have an area in the back of the drawer for other supplies. For the top drawer, I decided to put my Metallic Leafing markers on the left, some other miscellaneous permanent markers in the center and my extra Inktense blocks on the right.

For the second drawer, I stored my paper blending stumps on the left, a spacer foam piece in the middle (for future supplies) and my Faber-Castell Pitt marking pens on the right. 

Next there is the deeper bottom drawer. It is about 2-3" deep. I decided to leave the foam in it for now, because it holds the supplies very nicely this way:

On the left side, the cavity is large and deep enough to hold my graphite pencils. I have my Faber-Castell water soluble graphite pencils as well as my 9000 series set in a thin plastic box.

Underneath that are my Derwent Graphitint pencils. These are slightly tinted, water-soluble graphite pencils. I haven’t used them yet, but I can’t wait to try them:

Finally, on the right side are my Powder Blending mediums and my erasers. Oh – and that pretty little pencil box that will come in handy when I have my new desk set up:

Overall, it makes a splendid and functional presentation! 

What a beautiful way to stay organized and save some space! Just think of all the POSSIBILITIES!! 

I hope you liked seeing my newly found treasure! I also hope it gives you some ideas for storage of some of your supplies. While the box is no longer available, I promise I will be on the lookout for similar items and I will share them here on my blog as I find them. 

It is a dull and overcast day here in Nova Scotia. But lots of spring days are like that. I can’t tell if it will rain, but if it does, I won’t be surprised. I hope you all have a wonderful day, as I plan to finish writing some instructions and then get working on my next project. I can’t wait to play with my new supplies as well! 

Happy Wednesday to you all! 

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