Wednesday, October 21, 2015

My Journey As A Scroll Saw Pattern Designer #1639: A Day Away

It is hard to believe that it is Wednesday already. As usual, time is going by faster than I would like. After some much cooler weather over the past weekend, we were reminded that winder is close on our heels. I know that people don’t want to think about that, but it is going to arrive whether we think about it or not, so it is best to prepare the best we can for things and do what we can to make those long months pleasant.  

After seeing snow flurries this past Sunday, I realized that very soon it will be time to put my car away for the winter, too. It seems as if I just got it out, and in reality it was only four short months ago that I had it returned to me from the shop and renovation. I would love to keep it longer, but the practical side of me knows that it is best to do the right thing and surrender it early, before they begin salting the streets. I expect I will only have it a few more weeks.

Over our Thanksgiving dinner last week, my dear friend Cindy and I decided to have a ‘girl’s day’ and go to the city to do some shopping. We only do thing once or twice a year, and it is fun and relaxing to go on our own without having to worry about anything. Most of the leaves are still on the trees here in Nova Scotia and they show the full range of colors; reds, oranges and golds. We are nearing our peak here and soon they will begin to fall in earnest, and the show would be over. Add that to my deadlines being caught up and it was perfect timing to take a day away. 

While I usually arise early, I typically don’t venture out right away. I spend my mornings catching up on emails and writing my posts here, and planning my day ahead. But yesterday I was out the door by 7am, and it was still quite dark out. I had nearly forgotten how much I loved the early mornings, and I thoroughly enjoyed the 40 minute or so drive to Cindy’s. I had brought my travel cup of coffee and had my favorite music blasting on my sound system, singing as I drove and watched the sun come up. I have always loved driving and this type of  'car therapy’ was just what I needed to relax after these past busy weeks. It was one of those 'life is good’ days. 

We spent the day heading to Halifax and picking through our favorite stores. There is wonderful shopping in Dartmouth, and that is where we spent most of our time. It was wonderful to have to real purpose or goal other then to just browse and pick through the many shops and stores. Of course we had a beautiful, relaxing lunch/dinner at a little Italian restaurant, with me having Veal Parmesan with Fettuccine and Cindy having Chicken Tetrazzini. It was just the re-fueling we needed to keep us moving for the rest of the day. 

In shopping, I found a wonderful array of fantastic bargains. I purchased two beautiful and luxurious sweaters from different stores – but both were only half their original price. I found some cozy jammies – with kitties and paw prints on them, of course! – and some comfortable socks for winter. I got some beautiful paper from Michael’s at 40% off for some of my next drawing and painting projects, and they had the lovely decorated storage boxes that I tend to 'collect’ at a whopping 80% off! It was as if all of my favorite things were on sale! I even found some yummy flavored syrup for my coffee and peppermint cocoa – both which I love to curl up with in the cold weather. All in all it was a splendid trip, and I came home late and exhausted, but very content and happy. 

As I showed Keith and the kitties all of my 'treasures’ (I had got them both surprises as well) I felt like Christmas had come early. It was just the break I needed after the brutal schedule that I had been on these past several weeks. I saw many things that got me thinking about future projects and ideas for designs that I want to make. I can’t wait to get back to creating. 

I am very grateful for the life I have here. My little place here is filled with some of my favorite things that remind me of my favorite artists:

My cute prim Halloween kitty from my friend Suzanne Anderson:

And my lovely autumn characters that were designed by the late Terrye French and sit perched on my soffet:

While it may not be elaborate decorating, each piece holds a special memory for me regarding those who created them. I smile each time I look at them. 

So it is back to designing for me today. I hope that what is to come will some day be a wonderful keepsake for many of you. I think that the simple things in life and learning to appreciate them make us the happiest, don’t you? 

Happy Wednesday to you! 

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